Pursuant to subsection 5.9(2) of the Aeronautics Act, and after taking into account that the exemption is in the public interest and is not likely to affect aviation safety, I hereby exempt Harvard Oil & Gas Inc., 2100 300 5 Avenue S.W.,  Calgary, Alberta, T2P 3C4, from the requirements of paragraph 507.06(3)(a) of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) subject to the conditions in this exemption.

Paragraph 507.06(3)(a) of the CARs states that an applicant for a flight authority shall include with the application for a certificate of airworthiness a declaration, made by a person authorized to do so pursuant to Section 507.10, attesting that the aircraft meets the requirements of section 507.02.


The purpose of this exemption is to permit Harvard Oil & Gas Inc., when applying for a certificate of airworthiness, to submit a declaration attesting that the aircraft meets the requirements set out in section 507.02 of the CARs except for the requirement set out in Transport Canada Type Certificate A-136 pertaining to installation of Dassault Service Bulletin F50-172.


This exemption applies to Harvard Oil & Gas Inc., and the Dassault Falcon 50 aircraft, Registration C-FCRH, Serial Number 056, operated under Private Operator Certificate Number P2004-027-E.


The exemption is subject to the following conditions:

  1. The applicant shall submit to the Minister a declaration, made by a person authorized to do so pursuant to section 507.10 of the CARs, attesting that:
    1. the aircraft meets the requirements set out in CAR 507.02(a) and (c) of the CARs, and
    2. the aircraft conforms to its certified type design, except for the specific requirement set out in Dassault Service Bulletin F50-172, entitled Landing Gear Normal And Emergency Braking Systems Protectors For The Hydraulic Lines issued on December 10, 1985.
  2. The antiskid systems shall be fully airworthy and functional.
  3. The thrust reverse systems shall be fully airworthy and functional.
  4. The following special inspections shall be conducted on a monthly or 50 hour basis whichever comes first, with the first inspections to be completed prior to the first flight to take place under this exemption. Unless otherwise noted all references are to the Dassault Aviation Falcon 50/50EX Maintenance Manual (MM), Section 32-850, pages 1 to 12 inclusive (revision dated 04/2003 or later applicable accepted revision) ( “Tires: characteristics – Check – Tire Pressure [ATA 32-40-27]”.
    • Complete special inspection per MM 32-850 for items related to Main Gear only unless nose gear inspection is required per normal aircraft inspection practices and intervals. Ensure tire pressure and tire wear is maintained strictly in accordance with Dassault Aviation tolerances and guidelines in MM 32-850.
    • In addition to the above, complete a general visual inspection of each main gear wheel well hydraulic lines for the following:
      • leaking lines including fittings
      • loose lines
      • damaged lines or fittings
    • In the event of a burst tire, follow existing MM procedures for replacing the tires and complete the above inspection prior to returning the aircraft to service.
  5. Prior to each flight a thorough detailed visual preflight of the tires shall be accomplished. Any  flight crew member performing this preflight shall have been briefed by a qualified AME on how to accomplish such a detailed visual pre-flight for this aircraft.
  6. A copy of this exemption shall be carried onboard the subject aircraft.


This exemption is in effect until the earliest of the following:

  1. March 31, 2008, at 23:59 MST;
  2. the date on which Dassault Falcon 50 aircraft, Registration CFCRH, Serial Number 056 conforms to the Dassault Service Bulletin F50-172;
  3. the date on which any condition set out this exemption is breached; or
  4. the date on which this exemption is canceled in writing by the Minister, where he is of the opinion that it is no longer in the public interest, or is likely to affect  aviation safety.


Dated at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada on this 8th day of  February, 2008 on behalf of the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities.

Catherine (Kate) Fletcher

Regional Director, Civil Aviation
Prairie and Northern Region
Phone: 204-983-4373
Facs: 204-984-8125

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